Friday, August 28, 2009

Bryant Park: Monday Night Movies

Bryant Park plays movies every Monday night during the summer, and although it was almost 100 degrees this Monday, my friends braved the heat and went to see "The Magnificent Seven". It started out well, smuggling wine and laughing at the guy in front of us doing crunches in the middle of the lawn (I am not kidding!). But with the heat and the crowded lawn, it got a little unbearable until the sun went down.

After the sun went down, we all had a great time, but as you can see Elizabeth and Dave didn't quite enjoy the movie as much as I did! Night night!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There really is nothing like NYC. I'll be there for the San Genaro festival next weekend. Ah, and there's nothing like the Bryant Park film fest all summer. In such a big city, watching the classics, while spread out on blankets and high on wine, it gives you a communal feeling. Heat be damned! The show WILL go on!