Thursday, August 6, 2009

West Point Hooah!

This is my castle I worked in all last week. Okay maybe it's really just a portion of West Point that looks like a castle. While I was there I got to observe an emergency response drill, see how they produce their paper, sit in on a weekly staff meeting (that was crazy!), go see where they take the cadets out in the woods for training and visit their radio station WKTS (awesome!). It was definitely a great experience, and a lot different than what I've been doing in the city!
If you have not visited West Point, you should. The architecture, historic sites and view of the Hudson make for some great tours. It's a beautiful campus overflowing with top brass and cadets. It could be slightly different than my college experience (where's the kegs and eggs?). I really loved being around the tradition and beauty that fills West Point, but I have officially realized that I am not bad ass enough to ever go there!!!

It will also have you saying: GO ARMY! BEAT NAVY!

PS. NEVER stay at the West Point Motel... bed bugs, smoke/feet smell and an overall creepy ambiance. Have you seen Psycho? Kinda like that. I stayed there for approximately 15 minutes before I went back to on-post housing!


Ryan said...

You found bedbugs? And after only being in the room for that short a time? Yikes! Compared to the other places in that town, I've found this motel to be the cleanest and nicest. Matter of fact I've been staying there a few times a year for a very long time now. I've personally never seen any bugs except for those little tiny ants, which I once found in my bathroom sink. But when I reported it, the guy at the desk apologized and moved me to another room right away. The outdated decor (which evidently reminds you of the Bates Motel lol) doesn't bother me at all, but sleeping with bedbugs certainly would! Did you complain or tell them you found bedbugs, and if so what did they do or say about it?

Damn, now you've got me all creeped out about going back to stay there again. And that sucks because after what I've seen & heard about the other motels up there, I won't likely be staying at any of them either.

Looks like maybe I'll be sleeping in my car during my next visit to West Point!

Erika said...

Thanks for your comment. I didn't have bed bug problems, but my friend had them after staying there last year. (Of course she didn't tell me this until after my brief stay.) I told the front desk that my room smelled like smoke, and he did move me immediately, but the next room was just as bad. So he tried his best to help, and it wasn't his fault. I just won't be staying there if I can help it... Don't be creeped out. I'm glad your stay was more pleasant!