Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Road Trip!!!! Beer, Ice cream and cheese. Oh my!

The heading says it all people. I have officially completed my Northeast American tour. This past weekend I went to New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and passed through Connecticut. We started off in Mass, where we visited Cracker Barrel. If you have not been to the Cracker Barrel, you have not lived. Nuff said.

After leaving there, we went to New Hampshire were I learned a few of life's lessons. Lesson #1: Bear poop is black. Do not forget that. Lesson #2: If you go hiking in New Hampshire, it is entirely possible to go uphill both ways. I don't know how this is earthly possible, but I can only say that it happened to me. I was able to learn a trick of the trade though, and attached a Labrador to my waist who pulled me up every hill whether I liked it or not. I am a cheater...

After we had a great time with friends in New Hampsha' it was time to head to Vermont where apparently they make delicious things...

Ben and Jerry's made it's home in Vermont, and also has one of the craziest factories I have ever seen. I know their history is inherently laced with political "this or that", but I can say one thing. Those hippies made delicious ice cream. Using all natural ingredients, they have come up with kooky flavors like Cherry Garcia and Chubby Hubby. I was also pleased to learn that no monkeys are harmed in the making of Chunky Monkey ice cream. We were able to taste a sample of the Oatmeal Cookie flavor, which you may be happy to know is awesome, and contained no raisins. Double yum. We visited the Flavor Graveyard and visited White Russian's tombstone, and the Ben and Jerry's vintage bus, which looked good enough to drive...

After ice cream, we decided to head to the main attraction. Beer. Mmmm beer. The Magic Hat brewery, just south of Burlington, VT carries some of most fun beer to drink this side of the Mississippi (besides Miller Lite). We all love #9, but other delicious brews we tried were Single Chair, Lucky Kat, Wacko, the autumn brew and two of their "test batches" known as Odd Notions. I can't say I loved these, but they were darker, and I'm not a fan of the darker beer. The brewery was a blast though. You could take self guided tours through the actual brewery, and with free beer samples, how could you complain?!

We stayed in Burlington, which was beautiful. Here is a picture of the beautiful sunset. A GREAT weekend spot for anyone!

The next day we hit up Cabot cheese. This place is kind of like heaven if you like cheese. And who doesn't? They boast some of the most original, and tasty Vermont cheeses including: Buffalo Wing cheddar, horseradish, Tuscan blend, Indian flavor, Chipotle, 50% fat free, 75% fat free and many many more. Conveniently located right next to a chocolate store. We had to leave after I could not eat anymore cheese becasue of the sanitary condition of the cheese sampling tables. (New toothpick people! Why is that so hard to understand!)

Not on the list, but an accidental stop was at the Yankee Candle outlet. Who knew it was the world's largest Christmas store? We wanted a sandwich, but I ended up walking out with mango salsa and clean cotton scented candles. Can someone say sale?!

We did not see a giant ball of twine. And the world's largest shoe was closed for the season, but we did see a lot of cool stuff.

Who doesn't love a road trip?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now THAT is a road trip extraordinaire. Everyone should take time to take a road trip. Bring on the dairy products and beer. Lactose intolerance be damned!

Heading back to NYC this weekend for a quick blip to see the San Gennaro Festival. It'll be nice to get out of the stank, hot South for a couple days.