Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Army!

Today was the U.S. Army's 237th Birthday, and it was such a cool experience seeing it all from the outside. After working for the Army for more than four years, this was my first year in a new industry, and seeing the biggest event I have worked on for four years from a different perspective. I just have to share the coolest part about the day: Georgetown Cupcakes came to the Pentagon and created a tank birthday cake! I loved seeing all of the photos from the events today at the Pentagon. Was it bittersweet? Yes. Was I even maybe a tad jealous? Yes. Every job has it's perks, and the Army Birthday, as much hard work as it was, was always a lot of fun. Also, I saw that the Nationals' Presidents did their run around the courtyard! My oly question is what is Thomas Jeffereson doing under that tree? This is no time for a nap! So not only is it the Army's birthday, but also my "half" birthday. You can celebrate those, right? As I look at the twilight of my twenties, I have to wonder, "What is next?" Grad school? A revamp of my blog? You can bet your biscuits! the next six months should be interesting, and I intend on enjoying every minute! :D

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