Friday, June 22, 2012

Dear LeBron

Dear LeBron,

Do you remember that time(specifically July 8, 2010; 6:27 p.m.; channel 6)when you broke up with us on national television? You had been in Cleveland all of your life, playing for the Cavs for 7 long years? I came to every game possible, wore your jersey (in pink), sat in my place of honor, 100 rows up and to the left and cheered for you fanatically? You even did that little chalk thing for us. Do you remember that? We were the best fans a guy could have, in my humble opinion. We were the first "witnesses" to your amazing talent.

Now you've left us, and gone to a new team, and finally won your championship. I wish I could say congratulations, but I just can't. It's too soon. You see, we are like the bitter ex-girlfriend, pining for you to come back to us, standing in the shadows waiting. We are still angry about the past, remembering you on T.V., breaking our hearts, live from the Boys and Girls Club. We have been waiting for your demise, joking with friends that this day would never come because you left your true fans in Ohio. How could you do this to us Lebron?????

Look what you have done! You were selected as the number one pick in the 2003 NBA Draft by the Cleveland Cavaliers. You've set numerous youngest player records since joining the league. You were named the NBA Rookie of the Year in 2003–04, NBA Most Valuable Player in 2009, 2010, and 2012 and have been both an All-NBA selection and an All-Star every season since 2005. You've also won TWO Olympic medals and took the Cleveland Cavaliers to the NBA Finals for the first time EVER.

And now you've won an NBA Championship without us? With your flashier, hotter new girlfriend? Can you blame us for being a little bitter???

While the scheming and the "hating" and the jab throwing ensue, every Cavs (read:Lebron) fan in Ohio has a tiny place in their heart that is secretly happy about this moment.

You're a buckeye that left the state to do better for himself; arguably the best thing to come out of Ohio since Skyline chili. You came from humble beginnings and defeated the odds. Deep down we are proud; bitter, but proud.

So while the break-up (live on national television) still stings a little, congrats Lebron. You continue to reach for your dreams and accomplish your goals. There are so many young people that look up to you and admire your talent. Keep up the good work. But for the record, it's still too soon to be friends.

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