Monday, April 27, 2009

Rock of Ages

"I wanna ROCK!" After seeing the 80's spectacular that is Rock of Ages, this phrase was stuck in my head FOR DAYS! I took my boyfriend to see this show, and I have to say that not only is it funny and entertaining, but VERY straight man friendly. He definitely knew more songs than I did, and sang the whole time. I won't tell. (Whoops!) Every time a song would start he knew right away what song it was before they even sang a note. To his credit though, with a soundtrack that includes Journey, White snake, Pat Benetar and Jefferson Star ship you better know most of these songs!

When we first walked in they gave us a program...and a fake lighter that lit up when squeezed. For what you ask? Well I think if you go to a musical that has song's like Mr. Bigg's "Be with You", you don't really have to tell people what to do. It was amazing. As soon as a ballad started, the audience would slowly fill with little lighter lights swaying back and forth. It was great. And because they weren't real, you could rock out with lighters a'swaying as long as you wanted. How funny is it that you can give 300 people fake lighters, and no one asks why. they just know what to do with them, and when to use them. That is the 80's my friend.

This show was filled with hilarious actors and enough 80's references to satisfy the whole family. Who doesn't like Bartle's and James wine coolers I ask you? Constantine from American Idol was the lead character, and the guy who played Lonnie the narrator was hilarious. The whole time he wore an "I love boobies" shirt that was available for purchase after the show. One of the stand out characters was the son of the German construction developer. Throughout the whole show you are thinking that he is somewhat homosexual, until he exclaims, "I'm not gay, I'm just German." He was adorable.

Basically you have to see this show. It is not a disappointment as long as you don't expect a deep plot line or a depressing ending....


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

If you were 4 years old... you'd think I were cool

When it comes to Muppets and Sesame Street, there is only one real rock star. Yes, I am talking about Elmo. Like Madonna and Prince, Elmo is so established, he doesn't even need a last name. You just know.

Yesterday Ana Allen from Soldiers Media Center and I went to Sesame Workshop, the 40 year partner of Sesame Street. Sesame Workshop is the outreach program ran by Sesame Street that deals with issues that effect families such as early childhood literacy and numeracy, health and wellness, respect and understanding and emotional well being. This initiative by Sesame Street seeks to bring to light issues that no one else is talking about, and make it easier for families to talk about things on the same level that children and parents can both understand.

They are now concentrating their efforts on military families in a program called "talk, listen, connect", a bilingual multimedia campaign used to help families during deployments. This is actually a kit available to military members and their families for free through Sesame workshop and military one source. On the show, Elmo's Dad is "going away" to do a very important job. Through the characters, children can better understand their own situation. This program has been critically acclaimed by families and media alike.

Sesame Street has been around for 40 years, won more Emmy awards than any other show, and has been seen by more than 77 million people in it's lifetime. It is currently aired in over 140 countries in all different languages and themes.

I am currently writing a story for, and just researching this project has been so heart warming. I don't have children, so I am not often exposed to this side of the military. You forget that when a Soldier/Airman/Marine/Sailor is deployed, their families are as well. I think that other organizations should take a cue from Sesame Street, and support military families and initiatives without making it a political issue. They have definitely made a difference for a lot of families effected by deployments and changes. Bravo...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sea heist turns happy ending...

April 12, 2009: In this photo released by the U.S. Navy, Maersk-Alabama Capt. Richard Phillips, right, shakes hands with Lt. Cmdr. David Fowler, executive officer of USS Bainbridge after being rescued by U.S Naval Forces off the coast of Somalia.

This Easter we were all grateful to find out that the Maersk Sea Capt, Richard Phillips, was safe and sound in the hands of the USS Bainbridge. Navy "snipers", as they were first referred to as, shot and killed three of the pirates and saved Capt Phillips. Later the "snipers" were identified as SEALS... Obviously!!! The fourth "pilot", as MSNBC referred to them as yesterday, is in US custody at this time.

Our hearts and prayers are with Capt. Phillips and his family. Good to see a happy ending out of an all too scary story.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Peeps and such

Well... you all knew it was coming. I've been talking about Peeps for weeks! AND I told all of my loyal readers (Hi Annette!) that I was writing this one today.

Easter is about Jesus, but let's face it it also has the added bonus of having a candy variety that rivals that of another famous holiday that is NOT about Jesus, Halloween of course! I do enjoy a good candy corn now and again, but those mini sugar traffic cones can not hold a candle to some of the candy confections that the holiest day of the year brings to the table...


OMG! I know them! I've eaten every color! And they all taste the same. These little sugar coated sugar babies are the life blood of Easter candy, and this is coming from someone that craves chocolate like you would not believe. What is so great about Peepers, that's my pet name for them, is that they are as adorable as they are delicious. I mean seriously. As they stare up at you with their sad little chocolate brown dot-eyes, you can't help but feel guilty as you eat their lil' heads off, and devour the rest of their family.

This year they have a new color, orange, and don't tell but I put them in Steve's Easter basket. I can't say they will be more delicious then blue, green, pink, purple or the famous yellow, but they do bring a certain something to the table.

and there's MORE variety! Try the bunnies. They taste so good! And the company got a little crazy, and added Peeps for all seasons. Easter, Christmas, Halloween and even Valentine's Day. Buyer beware: some of these "fancy" Peeps include "fancy" marshmallow flavors that just ruin the whole thing. A peep just isn't a peep when it tastes like strawberries.. eww. If you ask me though, you can't go wrong with a chick or a bunny though.

And these crazy people have started making recipes for Peeps. You can make smores or cakes and stuff. Go to for more. It's a sickness I tell ya!


Poor forsaken jelly bean. You used to be the crowd favorite, but now you just lie hopelessly at the bottom of Tommy's Easter basket amongst robin's eggs and plastic grass while he plays with those frickin' scary looking sugar chickens and rabbits! Damn you Peeps! Your stealing my sugar thunder!

But wait, could it be? A jelly bean comeback? Ah yes, the jelly bean is coming back revamped and ready to rumble. The makers of candy favorites like Starburst and Jolly Ranchers have been coaxing the jelly bean out of submission for years by turning their popular candy into a magical tasty bean! And Jelly Belly has always been a popular jelly bean maker. Thank you candy makers.. Because this year I truly saw a Dora the Explorer jelly bean on the Drug store shelf, and that's when I knew the bean was back!


O death thy name is peanut butter egg. How else could you take one of the most fatty, delicious candies, and turn it into a bigger, more fatty and delicious candy...shaped like an egg?!? I love these things, and THIS is the reason I have to workout so much around this season...


Fat kids rejoice! If you thought peanut butter eggs were bad, take a gander at the chocolate bunny. Are you kidding me? It's like a candy bar on steroids... shaped like a bunny! What is it with Easter? You take a candy and reshape it, and it's supposed to be okay now? No. If my parents ever wondered why I did wind sprints in the backyard in my Easter dress, and then passed out on the porch on Easter Sunday, it was probably because I just ate a whole chocolate bunny. SUGAR HIGH!!!!! and then the crash.... Ha!

Thank you Easter for your magnificent attempt to make a Jesus filled holiday more sugarfied.....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jennifer Aniston..omg!

So last night I saw Jennifer Aniston. I was walking to the subway for a visit to my local Target store.. Maybe not "local".. It's in Brooklyn. This guy wouldn't let me cross the street, and I soon figured out why. Well first of all I was walking around the corner at 2nd and 53rd, and I walked right through craft services, where the actors/crew get their snacks and such. Then this guy wouldn't let me cross the street. There were huge lights all over the place, and it was pretty obvious they were filming, but I didn't think the actors were there! I pretty much assume they just show up at the last minute and do their thing, ya know? So finally I could cross, and there were all of these photographers against a blockade taking pictures of something. So I asked one what we were looking at, and he said Jennifer Aniston. So I looked, and sure enough there she was. I told my best friend Katie, and she asked if she was as pretty in person. Well, I'm assuming so, but she was kind of turned at a weird angle talking to directors and everything, but her hair was gorgeous. Like those Hollywood curl/wave that every magazine tries to tell regular girls how to do, but it's damn near impossible. I haven't seen any of photographer's pics on yet, but I'll keep you posted!

Apparently she is shooting a new movie called "The Baster", which is about a 40 year old woman who goes to a sperm donor only to find out seven years later that her best friend switched his sperm with the donors. Sounds kind of weird to me, but I'll probably see anything with Jen. She's just one of those actors...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

fat AND broke.. what's a girl to do...

NYC why do you have so many delicious places to eat? You are killing me.

While my sister was in town I took her to some of my favorite NYC eating spots. We went to 123 Burger, Spice, Krunch pizza,and of course Ess-a-bagel. (Home of my favorite grumpy guys serving up the best kosher delights anywhere... yum) Not only did I take her to all of these places, but I walked her little booty all around town. You would think this would be enough exercise, but o no, alas I have done nothing but gain weight in this city. My favorite jeans don't fit, I have the elusive "beer gut" and when my sister went home she told my grandma I gained 15 lbs... Hey now! Definitely not 15!!!! More like 12 or 13 sheesh!

So on top of NYC having so many great places to eat (I mean I live above a pizza place AND a philly cheesesteak place), it is also one of the most EXPENSIVE places to stay healthy ever! I swear. A gym membership can run you anywhere from $90 and up and the average is around $125. That is CRAZY! And if no one has noticed, NYC gets hit pretty hard with RAIN and freezing weather. Running outside is for crazy people. NOTE: I know there are some that enjoy running is sub-freezing degree weather. I am not one of them.

So what choices do I have? Not a lot. I occasionally borrow my BF's gym when I go to New Roc to visit, but other than that I am not left with a lot of options. I got Yoga Booty Ballet for Christmas, and have used it a few times, but my apartment is borderline trailer quality with very thin floors that squeak up a storm, and I'm not 100% confident that they wouldn't fall in. I'm not chancing it. I also have an exercise ball, weights, a body band and jump rope. Do I have room to use most of these? Not so much. But I still try.. I love that Body Band!

But now it's spring.. and I have no excuse. I am bound and determined to lose this winter insillation by eating right and running 5 times a week. I ran yesterday, and Sunday I hiked for 3 hours so I think that counts. This morning I did get an early morning call to go run, but alas I ignored, so I know what I'll be doing after work! ;)

So we shall see how this all works out. Hopefully I'll get back to my semi-fighting weight. No more eating ice cream and watching biggest loser (I know. It's horrible.) I will be fit.. but probably still broke...


For the woman who's always wanted to be a kangaroo...

I have been posting this everywhere. #1 I think it's hilarious, but #2 it is a bit disturbing... What do you think?

Monday, April 6, 2009

hiking on Bear Mountain

I have a new hobby. Well, I've only been twice, so I don't know if I can call it a hobby yet. I don't know what the qualifications are for it to be a hobby, but that's what I'll call it. HIKING. Ahh, the fresh air, the mountain breeze, the little animals peeking out from underneath the brush, the hidden streams, the steep hills and rolling rocks underfoot, the MUD, the pain I feel the next day... Oops! I let that slip.

It was great though, as someone who always wants to do these things, but can't drag my mall loving, "where's the elevator", "what do you mean there's no bathroom" friends along on the whirl-wind hiking/camping adventures I'd always dreamed about. Although I do remember cursing my hiking cohort and asking if he KNEW this steep hill was here, and was just trying to torture me. Alas he didn't, so I couldn't be mad.

After all the tripping, sweating and trudging through the brush, it is all made apparently clear at the top. The view was gorgeous. As much as I wanted to leave it as a journey that was only physically straining, I can't help but think of the obvious metaphor. LIFE is like a hike.. You work so hard and can only see the next hill. You try so hard to keep up, but stumble still. It's not apparent what the purpose of it all is until you come to the top. Until you see the horizon, and the valley below, and know why you worked so hard and didn't stop. Why you suffered all of those times. It is so clear all at once.

While discussing "organized" religion one friend, whom I will not name, once told me that in nature he feels closest to God. That he doesn't 100% see the purpose of having to go to church or being part of an organized church. And yesterday I could kind of see his point. While walking through a dense brush, I saw a deer, and because he was uphill from me, he could not smell or hear me. And I just stood there for a few minutes. How beautiful. How close to God and all he has made I feel. I know what my friend was talking about...

I hope to have many more outdoor adventures. I have finally found a hobby that doesn't involve calories (eating/beer I'm talking about you). And it might even benefit me physically... and spiritually as well.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Thank you notes.. on real PAPER!

Ah yes, if there was one thing my mother harped about while I was growing up it was the thank you note. Every Christmas, after the brightly colored paper was picked up, and the tinsel vacuumed out of the carpet, we sat down and were practically forced to write thank you notes for all of the gifts we were given. I say forced because as young children, most don't fully appreciate what they have. It may not seem like a big deal to write a thank you note now, but think back to when you were 8 years old, and Mom made you take time from playing to write Aunt Jess a thank you note for the present she sent you. It was a pain. What you really wanted to do was go play with the Barbie that you had asked for ALL YEAR LONG and finally got under the Christmas tree. Yes, this is sad that some children are so spoiled, but it is true. I guess I was one of those children, and maybe some of you were as well. But you know what happens to those kids that are "forced" to be grateful? In most cases, I know in mine, they end up BEING grateful.

And this happens in the corporate world as well. How many atta-boys do you have in your inbox though? Probably a few, or maybe you should just change your career... hmm. Now mean how many hand written thank you notes do you get for things you do? Probably not a lot. The reason I say this is because I am a huge advocate of hand-written correspondence, or even verbal. These days the Internet is ruining our manners. I don't know about you, but to me it means so much more to get a call from a company/org I'm working with and have them tell me "Thanks, it's been great working with you", than to have someone randomly send me a "Thanks" email, which took them all of two seconds to send. No thought, no preparation. Just today, we received a letter from the Gen. thanking us for our help with his visit. So you know what I did? I sent a thank you letter to a lady that's been helping our office with a bunch of stuff lately. That's right... on PAPER and IN THE MAIL! Craziness!

NOTE: Mom, I still send thank you notes for just about everything. Just like you like it. Yes, I had a rough time this Christmas, so I MAY still have a couple that never got sent, but I did write them... You'd be proud. Thanks for making me have manners. As much as I hated you for it before, I love you for it now...