Thursday, February 26, 2009


Yeah Emeril! Soldiers' Media Center has a piece called "Mission MRE", available at, that challenges chefs to make gourmet meals out of military MREs. Now for those of you that have never had or seen an MRE, you're lucky. Troops are given MREs when no other food is available. These bags of highly processed, nutritionally compact foods are anything but gourmet. They are an "essential evil" for troops everywhere. MREs may be a cutting edge way to deliver nutrients to a troop's body, but they are not something most would eat normally. (NOTE: There are some people who LOVE them... I don't get it.)

So Emeril chose the Chicken Breast and Beef Patty MREs for the challenge. It should be noted that the Beef Patty is by far the LEAST appetizing of ALL MREs... He did pretty well. Only using 5 extra ingredients and a bunch of spices, he made a delicious looking sandwich with toasted "wheat snack bread" and onions and peppers to boot. Very tasty looking. With the chicken he made a balsamic and provolone chicken dish that looked AWESOME! Dessert was a little sketchy looking I must admit. He used an apple ranger bar, nacho cheese combos and peanut m&m's. He drizzled them all with a reduced chocolate and cappuccino glaze. It was actually pretty good. I did get to try that one. I may start eating my combos with chocolate sauce. Ha!

Emeril was great with the troops. They really enjoyed his humor and great personality. He even suggested some restaurants that were good in the city. Actually he said Bobby Flay's was good, which was funny. Thanks Emeril!


Jenny said...

Man, your job is awesome. I wanna work there dangit!

Alyssa said...

I don't think you told me about the picture! That deserves a frame!