Sunday, December 28, 2008

A very Wii Christmas

Wii. Just about everyone has played one or knows someone who has one. This Christmas my parents decided to get a Wii, but they ended up getting each other one. See, my dad staged a Wii coupe at the local Walmart, and he and his boss had someone go and buy like 6 of them... on black friday. So he wrapped it up with the Wiifit board (yes he wrapped it), and put it under the tree. Fast forward a couple weeks, Sunday newspaper ads, Target. My mom saw an ad that Target was getting Wiis in, so she said she was going to get one. My dad, not wanting his surprise to be ruined, called her bluff and said, "Fine go get one". So she did... So the Wonn's ended up with 2 Wiis, and the gig was up. It wasn't a surprise anymore, but they still ended up with a Wii.

So Christmas morning, Dad wasn't feeling well, and the two most technicalogically handicapped members of the family (sorry mom)had a few mimosas and hooked the Wii up. It was interesting to say the least. We all ended up playing Wii all day, found out that Grandma was quite the shark. She ended up giving everyone tips on bowling, and beating us all!

Stay tuned for more on Wiifit. I love it. I will be adding my hula hooping video soon. Cause No one hulahoops like Emily

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