Wednesday, July 28, 2010


OK! I was on Cash Cab! The Discovery Channel show that takes place in a cab in NYC! And since it aired on Friday July 23, I can now tell you ALL about it!

First question: Did I win? Umm no. But like my mother always used to say, winning isn't everything. YA RIGHT! How do you think I have become the competitive nut-ball that I am today?! Thanks mom! :D

My roommates and I went through a phase in early 2009 where we would ONLY hail Toyota van-cabs in hopes that Ben Bailey would be hiding inside. We also would ask every driver if this was the cash cab, and they were clearly unimpressed with that.But seriously, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity that not everyone gets to experience. So here's how it went down:

So my friend Angela and I were going to Elmo, a bar in NYC, and hailed a cab. Right when we got in, I knew something was up. I could see the driver was a REALLY tall white guy, with ridiculously long legs. AKA he was not your average NYC cab driver. My friend Ang looked around and said, "I think we're on cash cab." (Which actually we say every time we get into a van-cab in NYC)

LIGHTS! BELLS! BEN BAILEY! "You're right!" He said, "Welcome to Cash Cab, do you wanna play?"

Umm hells yes!

Okay so we fill out our "forms" (disclosure...yada yada) and we are on our way. The first question he asked had to do with Univ. of Michigan, and being that they are Ohio State's arch-nemesis, I definitely knew that one. The next question's answer was my high school mascot (CRAZY!) So pretty much we were on a roll. The first one we got wrong was "Tiger Beat". I must not have gone through that crazy teen-heart throb stage... oops! Then it happened. We were ONE block away. $1300 in the bank, and all we had to do was answer one simple question. "What do you call the Outback of Alaska not accessible by car?" Umm what? We have no shout outs left. Hurry make something up. So I did it. What every good Public Affairs person (and President GW Bush) would do. I made up a word. "Alleghanquey" I screamed. Umm no. Turns out that is not even a real word/region. Ben Bailey was so funny though because you could just tell he wanted to crack up laughing. He just turned and looked at me and said afterwards, "Really? That is not even a word." lol.

So I didn't win. But I did walk away with a really great memory, and the one thing I always wanted when I came to NYC... a ride in the Cash Cab. (and a hug from Ben Bailey...I got one of those too!) :D


Stefanie said...

So, my questions are 1. how does he drive and ramble off those questions without hitting a pedestrian or another car? 2. Were you living in NYC at the time? 3. Who's COL Miller?
Totally awesome. You're a super star!

Erika said...

1. I found this challenging while I was driving in NYC as well. Sometimes they're just asking for it! lol No, he was a really good driver! Didn't hit one person or car! 2. I lived on 52nd and 2nd when I did the show. 3. COL Miller was the AF PAO in the NYC office (where OCPA is)

So much fun!!!!