Monday, June 15, 2009


Hey there Tweeps!!! That's Twitter talk for Peeps! In case some of you don't know. There is this social networking phenomena called "Twitter", and everyone who's anyone is a member. Ha! Actually I have approximately 3 screennames that I am responsible for keeping up. One is ArmyNYC, which is the Army in NYC's Twitter name. Ya, this is the most fun to take care of because it is HUGE. Some may say that "tweeting" is a waste of time, but I have found it to be incredibly useful. I can tweet about community relations events (ceremonies, top brass coming to town), internal comm stuff (Free stuff/promotions for military) and media events(Soldier participation in sporting events/talk shows etc) at the blink of an eye. It allows my office to get out info about Army happenings in NYC REALLY fast. If I have free tickets or need Soldiers for an event, I can put it out via Twitter, and get instant feedback. I love it!!!

I also just started a Twitter for my Air Guard unit in Ohio... 121ARW this is a great thing because being a guard unit, obviously we are not around everyday like a normal Air Force unit. This allows me to tweet to Airmen about stuff going on in our unit, and also to get news about the 121st out FAST. A lot of reporters and news stations are following our account already, so I know if something happens, I can get it out to them ASAP. this makes being a PAO a little easier ;)

And then there's my sad little personal Twitter account... lol. I basically use it just to adventure around Twitter, and learn new things about the site without using an official account. Poor buckinyc .... Someday you may have more than 40 followers.. or not o well.

ANYWAY... Today is MILITARY MONDAY (#Militarymon, and after searching through all the hashtags that related to it #milmonday, #militarymonday, #milmon etc, I guess someone finally decided on #militarymon as the official tag.

SO if you are on Twitter, use the tag #militarymon on Mondays. This is a great way to channel all of the military bloggers/tweeters in the same place, give shout outs to the troops (they do have Twitter in the desert ya know!), AND to just find some cool people with the same awesome interests as you...

One more thing... IF you use Twitter you need to be using Twitscoop as well. That is an AWESOME tool to find who is talking about your company, organization, cause, news, or even you... yikes.

Later Tweeps!

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