Thursday, May 14, 2009


Ya, I bet you're reading now! Everyone loves free. It's almost as if whatever word comes behind the word free is irrelavant. It could be FREE tickets or FREE coffee or FREE banana flavored bubble gum, and people still wouldn't care. FREE is free, and free is a good thing.

Today I am trying to give away free tickets to Soldiers for the local MLS game on the 24th. How overwhelming! I put an email out with FREE in it, and the response is insane. I could be giving away Q tips and still get a response! I know what I'm going to do. I'll just put FREE in the subject line of all my emails from now on. Kind of like this:

Subject: FREE
Email content: You need to come to this meeting at 8am.


Subject: FREE
Email content: I need to borrow $20.

Imagine how much work I could get done! It will be amazing, but now I've ruined it because you know what I'm up to! Crap....

Here is a picture of a lion-dog that I just received. He looks ferocious! Raaar-woof!

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