Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Newseum

Unfortunately I have not been to many museums here in DC, but recently I got to visit THE museum I was really looking forward to seeing. The Newseum is the Museum of media, and is located conveniently on the Yellow Line right next door to the Canadian Embassy. Sing with me! "O Canada..." My favorite part of this museum was the section dedicated to those affected by Sept. 11, 2001. There were newspaper front pages from papers all over the world on that day, a dedication to a freelance photographer who died that day, and a video featuring media who were there as the World Trade Center was collapsing around them. I was truly touched by the honesty and sincerity of this exhibit. The Newseum also includes Pulitzer prize winning photographs, newspaper front pages from hundreds of years ago and artifacts from some of the most notorious American crimes in history including the Unibomber's cabin and mobster memorabilia.
This museum is a must see for any media buff... and for those who get their news only from Perez and E! News.

We enjoyed goofing around out front where they feature a different front page everyday from a select city in EVERY state. See New Hampshire here!

And you must check out the view from the patio on top of the museum. Beautiful!

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