Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Noisy high heels.. Are you guilty?

Click-clack. Click-clack. We've all heard the sound. Strolling through the hallways at work it's the sound that I hear often, and also the sound that I make. No, I don't wear taps, and I'm not donning horse shoes.

One particularly noisy heeled morning I walked into the office, and my co-worker was laughing at me. "I knew that was you walking in," she said. "I could tell because of the clicking." So this brought me to wonder, is there a way to make heels less noisy? Is this a problem that other women have? So after some google research, I came upon a post by a man calling himself "Jack 'I'm a model' H." Here is an excerpt from his rant.

"I'm talking about women who seem to buy the LOUDEST SHOES possible, so you can hear them coming from 300 yards away! It's like a cow bell or something.

And here they come "CLIP CLIP Clickety - Clack Clickety - Clack CLIP CLIP CLIP."
Then you or some guys are scared and want to make sure a stampede or something isn't coming, so you look up at them for a second, and they give a look like "Oh wow are you checking me out? Why doth thou starest so? Am I hot? Oh I know it!"

Ok JACK. I get it. They are loud, and you hate them, but last time I checked a "Sound check" usually isn't part of the shoe trying-on process. So get over yourself...

After checking another site and finding that women really are having this problem, we began to brain storm in the office. My one co-worker suggested felt bottoms on heels. WHAT? Grace is not in my nature. I would most definitely take a nose dive in the Pentagon in front of some four-star and disgrace the D-ring forever. Bad option!

I did however find a great article on how to walk silently. Basically, you can go to a shoe repair place, and they can add a layer of rubber to the bottoms of your heels... or you can wear flats. The choice is yours...


Jenny said...
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Stefanie said...

I'm totally guilty of being extremely noisy in the hallway. It's actually rather common that folks walking in front of me will stop and turn around to see who's making all that noise behind them. Then we have a good laugh. It's a conversation starter! Good for a PR person, I think. :)