Monday, August 27, 2012

Obituary for Chivalry

Attention ladies of Washington, D.C.: It is with great sympathy that I inform you of the passing of a dear friend that many of you may not have known (especially if you live in the D.C. area and are in your 20's). Chivalry has died today, at the ripe old age of 1,024. He was born in the days when men opened doors, draped their coats over puddles and always picked up the tab. You see chivalry was known by our fathers, our grandfathers and of course our great grandfathers. Unfortunately he is not known by most men living here in our nation's capital.

It was a dark and stormy night in northern Virginia, and a group of folks (two guys and four girls) ventured out to a country concert on a Saturday night. Fearing the storm worsening, and tired of the rain, we left early and headed back to the cars to leave. Upon arriving at the cars, two average ladies approximately in their 20's approached us and asked for help because their car was dead after leaving their lights on all concert-long. She actually didn't ask for help, but if any of us had jumper cables that she could borrow. The two guys that I was with both looked at each other with a quizzical look, and Guy 1 immediately said, "We do have jumper cables, but I'm sorry, but we just packed up the car." Guy 2 shrugged dumbly.

Are you serious??? Did this really just happen? Did two men in an empty parking lot WITH the tools to help these damsels in distress really just blow off the opportunity to help!? I was dumbfounded. I just could not believe that two perfectly capable men would not move a cooler to help this girl. "Give me the cables," I said. Guy 1 looked shocked. "What," he said. "Are YOU going to do it?" "Ya. I am!" I shot back. So I proceeded over to my car, jumper cables in hand, and popped my hood. As I looked back, rain drizzling annoyingly in the empty parking lot, I glared at the two guys. "Are you serious? Are you just going to watch me?" I said. "O, I see! That's just like a woman," said Guy 1. "Can't do anything for themselves." WHOA!!!! This guy was a piece of work! Granted I had just met him that day, and he was only a friend-of-a-friend, but as of that moment, he was NO any friend of mine. Did he really revert to 1950's thinking on me? I know how to jump start a car. I also know how to change a tire. I ALSO know how to karate chop him in the throat... by the way.

With reluctancy, the DB helped these two girls jump start their car, pushing me out of the way. And gladly I stood by, happy to see that he had learned his lesson. I don't know that he woke up the next day regretting being such a jerk, but I do know one thing... He sure did get a jolt when he did it wrong the first time.

So as we say goodbye to our dear friend chivalry, we must remember the good times. And hope that maybe one day he'll live on... the sooner, the better.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Toby Keith story

There I was... no shit... in Baghdad last year doing my necessary duty, which at the time included escorting a fine group of young men around Iraq to see where their fates were changed forever. An organization called "Troops First" out of Maryland, brought wounded warriors back to Iraq to see the very place they were injured and their lives changed forever. I had the honor of assisting with their visit.

The Troops' visit happen to coincide with the visit of one well-known country bad boy... Toby Keith. Toby was in town for a concert with the troops, I'm pretty sure his last visit to Iraq.

So there we were, hanging out on the back patio of the building where both the Troops and Toby were staying, Toby was mingling with the Troops, and I was being harassed by the personal security detail for having what could possibly be the dirtiest 9mm in Iraq, and we heard it. Three loud thumps echoed over the lake in front of us. We all knew what it was. Just then the sirens went off, and we all rushed inside, helping those that needed help along the way. The staff of the building rushed us all into a few bathrooms that were designated shelters to wait for the all clear.

As the adrenaline wore off, and I got a moment to look around my bathroom, this is what I saw: two Soldiers, my battle buddy Addie, various band members sprawled across the latrine, sink and bath tub, and Toby Keith himself standing directly next to me. I had to take a second glance, but it was definitely him. Scruffy and farmer's tanned and the most normal looking redneck guy you ever did see. It was surreal. After a few minutes of extremely awkward silence trapped in that bathroom, Toby broke the silence:

TK: So does anyone know any good songs?

Battle buddy: Well, she (pointing to me) sings Lady Gaga karaoke really well.

Me: Umm..
TK: You better get in that shower girl and sing some Gaga!

Me: I'm sorry, sir, I think I'm going to pass.

Thanks a lot Addie! I totally got thrown under a huge bus! After approximately 5 more minutes of silence, Toby again decided to spice things up.

TK: So after this concert, maybe you ladies can come back and rub my feet. They are killing me.
Me: I'm sorry sir, we don't know each other THAT well.

After this whole exchange, I have decided that Toby has the best sense of humor. I knew that he had some funny songs, and he is always funny in his videos, but he really did have the ability to read the (bath)room and know we needed some laughs.

I will never forget being trapped in a bathroom in Baghdad with Toby Keith and his crew. He put on a great show that evening, and even spurred a photo that will live in infamy... The boot salute. (See below)

I can't wait to see Toby tonight in concert IN AMERICA. There will be more laughs, more great music and more booze for sure. I'll will have to hope for less rockets though...

A special note, if anyone is interested in checking out a great organization that does amazing things for our service members and their families, check out Troops First.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Dear LeBron

Dear LeBron,

Do you remember that time(specifically July 8, 2010; 6:27 p.m.; channel 6)when you broke up with us on national television? You had been in Cleveland all of your life, playing for the Cavs for 7 long years? I came to every game possible, wore your jersey (in pink), sat in my place of honor, 100 rows up and to the left and cheered for you fanatically? You even did that little chalk thing for us. Do you remember that? We were the best fans a guy could have, in my humble opinion. We were the first "witnesses" to your amazing talent.

Now you've left us, and gone to a new team, and finally won your championship. I wish I could say congratulations, but I just can't. It's too soon. You see, we are like the bitter ex-girlfriend, pining for you to come back to us, standing in the shadows waiting. We are still angry about the past, remembering you on T.V., breaking our hearts, live from the Boys and Girls Club. We have been waiting for your demise, joking with friends that this day would never come because you left your true fans in Ohio. How could you do this to us Lebron?????

Look what you have done! You were selected as the number one pick in the 2003 NBA Draft by the Cleveland Cavaliers. You've set numerous youngest player records since joining the league. You were named the NBA Rookie of the Year in 2003–04, NBA Most Valuable Player in 2009, 2010, and 2012 and have been both an All-NBA selection and an All-Star every season since 2005. You've also won TWO Olympic medals and took the Cleveland Cavaliers to the NBA Finals for the first time EVER.

And now you've won an NBA Championship without us? With your flashier, hotter new girlfriend? Can you blame us for being a little bitter???

While the scheming and the "hating" and the jab throwing ensue, every Cavs (read:Lebron) fan in Ohio has a tiny place in their heart that is secretly happy about this moment.

You're a buckeye that left the state to do better for himself; arguably the best thing to come out of Ohio since Skyline chili. You came from humble beginnings and defeated the odds. Deep down we are proud; bitter, but proud.

So while the break-up (live on national television) still stings a little, congrats Lebron. You continue to reach for your dreams and accomplish your goals. There are so many young people that look up to you and admire your talent. Keep up the good work. But for the record, it's still too soon to be friends.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer in America

Happy first day of summer! This day could have not have come sooner. But like John Steinbeck says, "What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness."

This past weekend I went to Baltimore Harbor for the bicentennial celebration of the War of 1812. The U.S. Navy Blue angels were there, and they even had a really cool sand castle competition.

Being gone all last year, and missing a real summer has truly made me grateful for this missed season. This summer I will do all things American. I'll bake an apple pie, go to as many baseball games and country concerts as I can. I'll even wear my jorts proudly as I watch fireworks on the 4th of July.

I'm so thankful to be home, and I'm so thankful for those service members that are overseas right now still serving. Still fighting. Thank you all for your service, and I assure you that there will be a deck chair and a cocktail waiting for you when you return.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Exorcist stair WOD

In 1973, an absolutley horrible, yet iconic, movie was filmed here in DC, specifically in Georgetown. The Exorcist features among many things a dramatic final scene where the young priest throws himself out the window and down a trecherous staircase killing himself and the demon.

Today I threw myself down these same stairs. Okay. Okay. That may be a little dramatic. I actually am part of this workout cult... err group, and we enjoy torturing ourselves, testing our limits and living in a positive manner towards a healthier lifestyle. I'm a Crossfitter. To Grandma Chardonnay's dismay, I have brought my fanatical ways back to America, and continue to do "WOD"s two or three times a week. And now I can eat cupcakes with reckless abandon, and not gain a pound. Okay, that's a lie.

So during my lunch break, I ventured over to Georgetown and we did the following WOD. Behold, the Crossfit Rosslyn Exorcist stair WOD™:

Exorcist Stairs WOD (30min limit)

One single step ascend
8 Squats
One double step ascend
4 Squats
... One bunny hop ascend (single or double step)
2 Squats

One single step ascend
8 Squats
One double step ascend
4 Squats
One bunny hop ascend (single or double step)
2 Squats

One single step ascend
8 Squats
One double step ascend
4 Squats
One bunny hop ascend (single or double step)
2 Squats

10 K2E
10 Burpees
One ascend (any style)

For time

So as you can see... this KILLED me.

In usual Crossfit fashion, the team was supportive and cheered each other on. That's what I love about Crossfit. It's not just a workout. It's a community, and for some a lifestyle. I just can't get enough.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Army!

Today was the U.S. Army's 237th Birthday, and it was such a cool experience seeing it all from the outside. After working for the Army for more than four years, this was my first year in a new industry, and seeing the biggest event I have worked on for four years from a different perspective. I just have to share the coolest part about the day: Georgetown Cupcakes came to the Pentagon and created a tank birthday cake! I loved seeing all of the photos from the events today at the Pentagon. Was it bittersweet? Yes. Was I even maybe a tad jealous? Yes. Every job has it's perks, and the Army Birthday, as much hard work as it was, was always a lot of fun. Also, I saw that the Nationals' Presidents did their run around the courtyard! My oly question is what is Thomas Jeffereson doing under that tree? This is no time for a nap! So not only is it the Army's birthday, but also my "half" birthday. You can celebrate those, right? As I look at the twilight of my twenties, I have to wonder, "What is next?" Grad school? A revamp of my blog? You can bet your biscuits! the next six months should be interesting, and I intend on enjoying every minute! :D

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hoarders: Buried Alive--- the cubicle edition

Is it me or do Hoarding shows make you want to Lysol your whole house? I found myself watching a complete marathon on New Year's Day followed by a complete reorganization and trash collecting of my closet. I can't relate with these folks as I am not a fan of keeping things around. I'm constantly going through old boxes and my closet getting rid of things I don't need. I just don't think I'll ever have that sort of problem. Although I really do feel bad for those attached to trash, I'm thankful I don't see the need to keep things around. Ironically, when I returned to my beloved cube this morning it looked like the below. Agh! I of course moved it to my cube-mate's area, and the problem was solved. Happy New Year!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Girl vs. Squash

Today I learned a valuable lesson about squash. You may think that squash is an innocent vegetable, rich with nutrients, and versatile enough to use in a wide range of ways. I learned that a squash is delicious yet ruthless. Beware of the squash. I like my fingers. They help me do useful things like open doors, play the piano (ya right), eat sandwiches. I would appreciate keeping them, but my first squash conquest, the acorn variety, had a different idea. Have you ever tried to cut an acorn squash?? Let me tell you. NOT EASY. You need an insanely sharp knife, a towel, knowledge of which way to cut and patience. Unfortunately I did not have three of those four things. I had a towel, people. That is all. Once I finally, narrowly keeping all of my digits, cut the thing open, it was easy as pie. Loaded it with brown sugar and butter, and popped that baby in the oven. In 45 minutes, I had two meals worth of squash, and two cat helmets... Okay, that's wrong, but seriously, they were perfect size for a cat! If you'd like to try an acorn squash, I'd humbly suggest using the following recipe: Cut squash in half, and scoop out the "guts" fill cavities generously with brown sugar, butter and salt and pepper Cook 45 min on 350 or until fully cooked through Too easy! Except for the cutting part. You are on your own!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Where did I go!?

You may be asking, "Where did she go?" Or you may not care... either way, I have an answer. I am currently deployed, and working for United States Force-Iraq! I will be blogging on a personal blog until I return. If you would like access to my private blog, email me or find me on Facebook. I'd love to have you join me there! Take care until I see you again in DC!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 Top Ten

It seems fitting that 2010 should have a top ten. So here are my top ten trends that I embraced for 2010...

10.Skinny Girl Margarita
While this delightful, guilt free summer drink was around before 2010, and I've been making them since Season One of the Real Housewives of NYC, I am very happy that I am now able to find them easily alongside my other favorite mixed cocktails. It just so much easier to pour out of the bottle than guess my way through a homemade version.

9. The Hunger Games Series
I guess I should throw in the towel, and admit that I have been reading a series meant for high school girls. I would like to take this moment to declare this series the next Harry Potter/Twilight. Not that they are about wizards or vampires, but they are YA novels that get the older generation hooked. And I'm SURE that when they make them into movies, the cast will be just as hot as Twilight. So when this is the next big thing, I have the blog to prove that "I told you so." Read!

8. Skinny jeans
I know. I know. Lindsay Lohan was totally wearing these three years ago. I held out as long as I could, but now I am obsessed. They go with anything, and I don't know how I ever wore boots before!

7. Taco Tuesday
This is a tradition my roomie and I have. There's nothing like having one night a week where you know what you're going to have for dinner. And there's nothing more fun or interactive than tacos. Everyone helps and everyone enjoys!

6. Spin Class and other group fitness
I have found the secret to staying in shape, and it is people yelling at me! Spin, circuit training, and most recently Bikram yoga. I love the variety, and I love having that extra motivation provided by the company of complete strangers!

5. Show stopping shoes
I consider myself the girl next door, which pretty much means I am hopeless at putting together a whole outfit. This year I found that as long as you have an adorable pair of shoes, you can get away with jeans and t-shirts pretty much every night of the week!

4. Mad Men
O Don Draper... just your ambitious, womanizing ways! I just caught up with this series, and can't wait for the new season.

3. Group On/Living Social
You've gotta love a deal! I know I do. For months I have been getting up first thing, and checking for the deal of the day on Group On and Living Social. Just type in your location, and they'll send a deal to your phone everyday! Most deals are around 50 percent off, and can include anything from Thai food to indoor rock climbing. I've had a blast trying out DC food and activities on a budget.

2. Real Simple
This magazine is AMAZING! I can not live without it. I feel like I am a housewife in training. Easy recipes, do it yourself tricks, party planning and more. I can have the worst day ever, and come home to find this gem in my mailbox, and forget about it all. I've even started a collection of my favorite easy recipes. Now I recommend a subscription for all my friends!

1. Big Hair
I have embraced DC hair, and it is BIG. This easy hairstyle has changed my outlook, and makes it so easy to give my mood a little "boost". Big hair is number one in my 2010 book.

So what made your favorites list for 2010?