Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Williamsburg, VA

Here ye! Here ye!

This weekend we went to Williamsburg, VA, and I have to tell you I was pleasantly surprised. The food was amazing (try Trellis, and get the Trout), the people were so nice, and it was beautiful weather (minus the 98 degree weather).

The first day we went to Busch Gardens, which by theme park standards is extremely different from anything I've ever experienced. This place is clean. I don't even think I saw an ant anywhere! I rode ever roller coaster they had (which was only four) and sat in the front row everytime. The lines were miniscule, and longest we waited was for a LAME log ride that might as well been a dry ride. I stopped by the restroom afterwards and splooshed myself to cool down... so pathetic. I was disappointed however that 1)there were minimal trashy tattoos, which is admittedly one of my favorite parts about theme parks, and 2)they did not serve beer in Germany. WHAT?!? That is exactly what I said. The park is seperated into countries, and I was SO excited to get to Germany and have a beer. I mean it is BUSCH gardens after all. No beer to be found. O, and somewhere along the line we saw bald eagles and sheep... not together of course.

After sitting in the sun for hours, it was time for something more colonial. If you visit Williamsburg, definitely stay at the Williamsburg Inn or Lodge. It's the only way to go. I searched online for the best deal, and decided to not take a chance on a Howard Johnson or Ramada, and just go to the Inn. I'm so glad I did. the other hotels are on a strip that may as well be Nyrtle BEach without the beach. If you going to Williamsburg and prefer an Applebees to a local establishment then stay on the strip. If you want an original experience close to Williamsburg downtown, spend $20 extra and go to the Williamsburg Inn/Lodge.

The next day was filled with some shopping and walking around Williamsburg. What a cute little place, and a great getaway.
I call these the fences of Williamsburg...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Hi Grandma!!! So there were two very distinct incidents that made me realize I needed to back to blogging. One happened the last time I was at home, and a friend of a friend approached me at the bar. This is a guy that I see maybe three or four times a year, and not someone I have in my phonebook. You know the type. We were hanging out with a large group of friends at a bar in Columbus, Ohio engaging in the friendly chit chat you do with a friend you only see once in a great while. You know, "Hi." "How are you?" "Why haven't you written on your blog lately?" What?!? Defintely not something I expected to hear. It's kind of cool to hear that people you don't expect to care about your trivial bloggings, actually acknowledge your writing... at a bar. Ha! Who would've thunk it?

The other reason is obvious. Grandma said I had to. And everyone knows that is if Grandma's happy, everyone's happy...

So the new job has been keeping me from blogging. That's okay though. Busy is good. I will never complain about busy. What's that saying? Idle hands do writer's... okay nevermind.